Hormone Therapy

The process required for our Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) candidates.
Hormone Therapy
For individuals who wish to undertake gender-affirming hormone therapy, assessment / diagnosis is the first step.
Once a diagnosis has been established along with assessment for overall emotional /psychological and physical wellbeing, a referral can be made the Hormone Specialist Provider of your choice.
Establishing Shared Care
Once you have been given a diagnosis from one of our Gender Specialists, as appropriate, and together we have established that hormone therapy is right for you, we will issue a referral to one of our Hormone Specialist Providers. Following your consultation with that provider, they will write to your GP practice issuing guidance for prescribing for you. You should be able to get your HRT prescriptions from your GP practice. NB: This process assumes that you will ultimately pursue support within the NHS, but that you require “bridged” support from your GP while you wait for the NHS Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) to take up your case. If you have not done so, you should ask your GP for a referral to an NHS GIC.